Tuesday, 10 December 2013

Complete Magazine

These are the three finished pages from my magazine. I am very happy with these, and believe they will be good enough for my final pieces. I think that they all have good reoccurring themes, and they make my magazine recognisable. This, with what I believe to be good content with the pictures and article, would make my magazine successful if it were to be sold in shops.

Finished Front Cover

This is the final stage for my front cover. I have added a lot of examples of ways magazine editors make their magazines more interesting. For example, box outs, different fonts and listed features. I feel that this front cover has a lot going on, but that just makes it more interesting, rather than garish. I believe that this is very much good enough to be finished and go with my other two finished pages.

Final Contents Page

This is the final version of my contents page. It has an editors note and picture, regular and special features, and ongoing themes. The background picture works well, and the quote fits the feel. I think the style makes everything easy to read, but not boring. I have used various examples of ways magazines will make things more interesting, for example, quotes, overlapping text and an editors note.

Finished Double Page Spread

This is my final double page spread. I feel that this will be good, as It is eye-catching, and interesting, but not too garish. It has a good balance of text and photos, and colours. It has the occurring theme of red and the lines around the edge, and the texts are familiar to what is used in the other two pages.

Front Cover Stage 5

This is the fifth stage of construction for my front cover design. I have added a banner going diagonally across the page. I have added a few examples from other magazines similar to my style and I will make similar features. I need to add a bit of text under the Art Of The Anarchists title, and I need to change the font beside it.

Friday, 6 December 2013

Front Cover Stage 4

This is the 4th stage of construction for my music magazine. I have raised the image, so on the shelf you will be able to see who is on the front. I have added more text and improved where it goes, so the image is still the focal point. I finally added another photo at the top, of another featured article. I need to improve this still, but I think it is coming along well.

Wednesday, 4 December 2013

Front Cover Stage 3

At this stage in construction for my music magazine, I decided to totally redo it. I thought the purple was to garish and there was no image of a face, ad therefore no relation to who the artist was, or why you should feel the need to read about them. I decided to follow the same basic layout; title at the top behind image, double page spread feature advertised at the top and text box outs at the sides, but changed the image to something that suited the consistent theme of black white and red. I chose a photo from the first shoot, and made it black and white. I feel this is already better, but still needs more work to get it where I want it to be.

Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Article Draft 3

“This place is smaller than I remember”. That was the first thing that went through my head as I stepped into the Bath Pavilion on November 16th. I had been there to see Smashing Pumpkins 4 or 5 months ago, and was probably too drunk to remember much. But nonetheless, my first thoughts weren’t the best, so nothing would impress me. But I was certainly not in store for what was to come. There were 300 or so people stood around the hall buying their pints before the bands came on, it had quite a calm feel to the room, and not many people looked like die hard fans. About half an hour in the lights came on and everything changed in an instant, with pints flying everywhere and screams coming from every direction at the simple sight of a tech man and light. It was obvious the crowd wanted to rock, and were ready to go crazy.

Another 15 minutes went by and the crowd was still screaming, but this time, they had something to scream about! The River 69s had walked onto the stage and had set up. They started off with “A Dream of Life” and that almost calmed the fire that was the audience, but finished it off with “Hello People” and took utter control of everyone. Their final song “Forced to Quit” was almost upsetting, as the crowd did not want them to stop, but nonetheless, one-step closer to the Darkness!

                  Almost ten minutes later, the drum kit had been replaced by one with the words “Smash Face” on them. The screams grew and grew as the crowd was largely fans of hard core, and Smash Face is exactly that. The band came on and started with a cover of “Ace of Spades” and the crowd was going wild. A small but volatile mosh pit had formed and it was only the first song! The pit only got bigger through their second and last songs “Angel of Hell” and “Break the Floor”.
They finished off with a loud bang and the crowd couldn’t be more ready for what was next.

                  Chants were growing as did the tension. People wanted the Darkness, and that is what they got. The lights went down and a commentator started speaking, “The band who brought you a four times platinum album are back! And they are mean! They are the Darkness!” I couldn’t hear a thing as everyone screamed as four figures holding hands walked onto the stage. The separated to their instruments, and a guitar riff started in the darkness. The drums and singing kicked in, as did the lights. Everyone was going crazy as they started with “Goodbye Everybody” and continued to go through their newest album “Hot Cakes”. After they had finished that, Justin Hawkins turned into a massive diva, taunting the crowd to be louder. “If you don’t make some fucking noise, we’re out of here”. Once he deemed the crowd loud and ready enough, he hit out with their most iconic song, “I Believe in a Thing Called Love”, shortly followed by the smash hit “Christmas Time”. The crowd was going wild as the songs continued and never stopped singing along, following the iconic high notes of Justin Hawkins. It ended almost as fast as it started, with Justin saying a final “Than you for not being shit” and then leaving. The looks on the fans faces told me they were satisfied, as the hundreds started to leave.

                  All in all, if the Darkness is around your neck of the woods, go see them. You will not regret it. £30 for a night to remember for years is a bargain! Experienced festival and gig goers will love to join in with the singing dancing and moshing, and newbies will get a great chance to see a gig at it’s finest!

This is my 3rd draft of my article. I have completely changed it. The concept has changed from remembering a band, to a review of a gig. I have some good photos of a gig, so a review woulf fit them perfectly.

Double Page Spread Stage 2

This is the second stage of the construction of my double page spread. I have added a new draft of my article and some other things such s page numbers and borders. I believe a few things can be improved on these pages, such as changing fonts and making things look a bit less plain.