Sunday, 8 September 2013

Preliminary Task School Magazine Front Cover and Contents Page Plans

This is the plan for my front cover. It features a title, school logo, samples of the articles that are included and it will feature a main photo, a midshot, as the background. I will make sure that this includes everything I thought a good cover needed.

This is the plan for my contents page. It has a title to show what the page is, among other features. For example, page numbers, along with article titles are included, as well as notes from the head of the school and the head of sixth form. These will come with photos of them. The background will be a photo, but it will be easy on the eye, so the rest of the page is easy to read.

I have learnt a fair bit from planning my cover and contents pages for my school magazine. For instance, I now know that planning something on pages before doing the task can help to quickly make decisions that could have otherwise been difficult. Finally, it is also a good way to show changes from the original plan, to show the development of my work.

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